
Software Engineer Intern


  • Developed an interactive website using React, GSAP, and Magic Scroll, featuring a first-person POV video that plays as the user scrolls, creating an immersive and engaging experience. Implemented the website using web development best practices such as responsive design, accessibility, performance optimization, and security.
  • Abstracted the first-person POV website into a reusable template for internal use, allowing other departments to leverage it for educational, inspection, or other purposes.
  • Designed and implemented an asset management software using React, Firebase, and other APIs to track the department’s physical stock as a side project, which was well-received by the department and is currently being used to manage the department’s assets.
  • Automated data analysis and processing through the development of scripts using Python, Pandas, and VBA.
  • Developed a custom form using Google Apps Script, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with server-side form processing and integration with Google Sheets. Implemented custom error handling and advanced validation rules to check against a list of allowed inputs.

DevSecOps Intern


  • Developed an automated container using Docker that verified and signed images to authenticate them, enabling secure and reliable downloads in an air-gapped environment with no internet connection.
  • Acquired proficiency in RHEL, Docker and batch scripting for creating and deploying containerised applications in a high-security setting.
  • Designed and implemented the backend logic and APIs for an offline image repository using Java Spring Boot, following best practices and standards for security and performance.
  • Coordinated effectively with the frontend team to ensure seamless integration and compatibility of the user interface and the backend functionality and optimised overall workflow efficiency.
Lifehack 2023
  • Built RaceSG, a race-meets-geocaching app that unlocks the hidden wonders of Singapore for locals and tourists alike, in response to the theme of “Re-defining the Post-Pandemic Traveling Landscape”.
  • Utilised React, Next.js, Firebase, Tailwind CSS, and SGID and Leaflet APIs to create a user-friendly and interactive app that showcases the cultural gems, breathtaking sights, and captivating stories of Singapore.
  • Led the backend development and database management using Firebase, and implemented authentication using SGID API. Also contributed to the ideation, documentation, tech architecture, and UI/UX design of the app.
  • Received positive feedback from the judges on the app’s value proposition, functionality, and design. Suggested areas of improvement include expanding the target user base and optimizing the app’s performance.
Greyhats CTF 2023
  • Ranked among the top 20% of the teams out of hundreds of participants from different countries and backgrounds, demonstrating a high level of competence and perseverance in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Acquired valuable insights into the latest trends and techniques in information security, such as buffer overflow, format string vulnerability, RSA encryption, and steganography, by applying the knowledge I gained from CS2107 Introduction to Information Security course. Also developed a keen interest in exploring this field further and enhancing my knowledge and skills.
DSTA Brainhack CODE_EXP 2021
  • Built a mobile app using React Native, Firebase, and other technologies, as part of a team of four, in response to the theme of “Reimagining the Future of Singapore”.
  • Responsible for the frontend development and UI/UX design of the app, using React Native and Material UI.
  • Utilized Firebase, Google Cloud, Singapore Tourism Board and YouTube APIs to create a user-friendly and interactive app that showcases the cultural gems, breathtaking sights, and captivating stories of Singapore. Also contributed to the ideation, documentation, and presentation of the app.
  • Appreciated the constructive feedback from the judges on the app’s relevance, functionality, and design. Learned from the suggested areas of improvement, such as incorporating elements of AR/VR to enhance the user experience. Gained valuable insights on how to tackle hackathons better in the future.
DSTA Brainhack CDDC 2021
  • Took part in a Capture The Flag (CTF) competition organized by DSTA, as part of BrainHack 2021.
  • I attempted various tasks involving web, pwn, crypto, reverse engineering, and forensics domains and gained valuable insights into the field of cybersecurity. I also learned various Unix skills/commands that enhanced my proficiency in shell scripting and complemented my internship experience back then.
  • Although I did not make it to the finals, it served as my first CTF experience and motivated me to explore this field further and improve my knowledge and skills.

Courses Taken

Here are some of the courses I took and the skills I learned from them.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Software Engineering

Introduction to Computer Networks

Introduction to Operating Systems

Introduction to Information Security

Technical Management and Leadership


Learned and implemented various data structures and algorithms in Java, such as arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting, searching, hashing, etc.


Applied software engineering principles and practices to develop a desktop application using JavaFX and Gradle. Used tools such as GitHub and IntelliJ IDEA for version control, testing, and continuous integration.


Studied the fundamentals of computer networks, such as TCP/IP protocols, socket programming, routing algorithms, network security, etc. Implemented a reliable data transfer protocol using Python.


Learned the concepts and mechanisms of operating systems, such as processes, threads, synchronization, memory management, file systems, etc. Wrote shell scripts and C programs to manipulate system calls and signals.


Explored the topics and techniques of information security, such as cryptography, authentication, access control, network security, web security, etc. Performed various security attacks and defenses using tools such as Wireshark, Burp Suite, Metasploit, etc.


Learned how to be an effective technical leader in a complex and dynamic business environment. Studied leadership and management theories, and developed soft skills such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, empathy, and conflict management. Learned how to create psychologically safe teams. Participated in readings, presentations, guest speakers, discussions, and self-reflection exercises.